How to Organize a Successful Press Conference

  • 17.01.2017

A press conference is a cost-effective promotional tool because successful events can be organized on a small budget, and the resulting news coverage is akin to free advertising.

1. Design a good topic of the press conference.

To be successful, the topic or event should be newsworthy or of significant interest to the general public so that media outlets are more likely to send reporters to cover it. Good press conference topics include high-profile new product launches, store grand openings or announcements about significant new employment opportunities. Poor topic choices include mediocre earning reports, new mid-level hires or product sales.

2. Pick a good date, time and location for the press conference.

Check your community calendar and chamber of commerce business calendar to make sure the date you choose does not conflict with other significant or newsworthy events that might draw attention away from your press conference.

3. Plan the press conference at least two weeks in advance.

This will give you enough time to write a press release and determine appropriate media outlets to contact. Appropriate contacts are those organizations with an interest in covering topics related to your particular business or industry. The initial press release should state the reason for the press conference and include compelling copy that describes why the event is worthy of news coverage.

4. Distribute the press release to media contacts a week before the event.

If you have existing professional relationships with reporters or news assignment editors, send the release to their attention. Follow up the distribution with a personal phone call to assess interest in covering the event and provide the reporter with background or inside information that will make it easier to cover your conference. For example, if your small business is expanding operations and adding a significant number of jobs to the community, provide the reporter with statistics that indicate what the new jobs will mean to the community from an economic standpoint.

5. Make advance arrangements for interested reporters to interview a company spokesperson before or after the conference.

Setting a specific time will ensure the reporter attends the event. Large press conferences should include a press kit for each media outlet in attendance. The kit should include company history, biographies of business owners, appropriate photography for reprint and a copy of the press release.

6. Stage the press conference area at least an hour before anyone is expected to arrive.

Include a podium with your company logo placard or a long table and chairs if more than one speaker will be participating. Set up seating for the expected number of attendees and test microphones, sound systems and lights.

7. Appoint a company representative to greet reporters

as they arrive for the conference and to coordinate photo opportunities and interviews with company representatives.

8. Begin the press conference at its appointed starting time

by having a company spokesperson approach the podium, welcome attendees and introduce the main speaker or speakers. Speakers should be brief with remarks, highlight the key elements of the topic the press conference is about and then open the floor to questions.

9. End the press conference by having a company representative to signal the close of the conference

End the press conference by having a company representative step up to the podium to signal the close of the conference and thank attendees for coming. A company representative should be available after the press conference to verify information and answer follow-up questions.

10. Send personal follow up message

Send personal messages of thanks to media representatives covering your press conference the day after the event. This courtesy strengthens your media relations, which will be an asset in successfully planning future events.